In this article we will be learning about Searching for Text in ASCII Files Linux. Also, we will be learning about what is ASCII files? and many more stuff about this topic.
What is ASCII Files?
The simple definition of ASCII files is that – A files which contain data made up of ASCII characters. Programming files, XML files, HTML files are text-based and they all stored as ASCII files.
Searching for Text in ASCII Files Linux
If you are looking for the data/text within ASCII files, at that time we will be using the grep linux command.
Syntax of grep command as below,
grep pattern file
Below are the some common options we will be getting with grep,
-i = To find the text without consideration of the case.
-c = To count a number of occurances in the file.
-n = To know the output preceding line number.
Find the grep examples below,

Conclusion – I hope this article Searching for Text in ASCII Files Linux helped you. If you like this article do not forget to join my newsletter for more such articles or if you are having any suggestions/feedback feel free to drop the comment below. Thank you!