You might be working as a Linux Administrator or learning the basics of Linux as I was doing a few months back. I probably find some of the best help full commands which I often used while performing administration tasks. In this article, we will be looking at what file command in linux, how to use file command in linux. This article going to be very small with point-to-point details.
What is file command in linux?
File command in linux is used to determine the type of the file. You can use this command to know whether the particular file is text file, image, mp3, mp4, etc.
How to use file command in linux?
The use of file command is really simple, please check below syntax,
file [option] [filename]

In above example we ran file command with -b variable to know more about the file of As it is showing the file type is ASCII TEXT.
You can use file –help command to open the file command manual, through which you can get more information about the command and its variables.

Conclusion – I hope this article What is file command in linux & How to use file command in linux? helped you. If you like this article do not forget to join my newsletter for more such articles or if you are having any suggestions/feedback feel free to drop the comment below. Thank you!